Materials for Doors

Materials for Doors

Doors vary widely in shape, design and aesthetic appearance, and with so many to choose from it can be difficult to decide which way to go. One important factor to look at is the material which you choose to fit your home.


Wooden doors vary in size, shape, and design. Because wood is simple to work with and easily decorated and painted, it is a favorite. Regardless of climate, they are effective at insulating against mild or more extreme weather. Another great part about wooden doors is that they vary greatly in price, with a simple pine door being quite affordable, to various ornate rare wooden doors which are quite expensive.


Incredubly strong, weather resistant and resistant to corrosion, steel doors carry quite a high price tag and can weigh quite a few pounds depending on their size. Because of the nature of steel making and shaping, they also come at a cost, but may be worthwhile buy if you’re looking to reduce noise, and want something very safe.


A relative newcomer to common-use building materials, fiberglass is very sturdy, and performs extremely well under fast changing weather conditions so it’s better to use these doors outside. Because it is so easy to shape and color, it can be made to look like wood and customized in any almost conceivable fashion or color.


Glass doors don’t work well as exterior doors, but for the interior of the home they can fit perfectly in cupboards and rooms alike. Because of the nature of glass, it can provide an interior space with extra light, making it a perfect choice for older homes in need of some added lightning.


Vinyl doors are extremely cheap, easy to clean, and fit a multitude of functions. Although they received bad press a few years back, modern technology has greatly improved the ways in which these doors can be used. They are color coordinated, and can be made uniform to fit a particular style.


Doors made from this lightweight metal are better suited for indoor use, and can fulfill many roles. Brushed aluminium is a clean look, but these inexpensive doors can also be made to spec, and easily colored and designed to your needs.

Hollow Metal

Hollow metal is a good material for extreme weather, and is usually made of very durable cold rolled steel. These make very strong exterior doors, but do not provide great insulation, and so they aren’t well suited for colder climates. You can choose a stainless steel door if you are worried about corrosion, which hapens on standard steel doors.

If you want to know door styles that are known these days and the best time to install a door, you can read it here.


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